Modern Extremism and the Medieval World, Cornell University, April 22, 2023

This workshop was for undergraduate students from Cornell and Union College, and graduate students from Fordham University who had taken courses with Medievalist Toolkit founders on the intersection between modern extremism and medieval history. The students had developed original writing on modern uses of medieval concepts and symbols. After a public lecture from Sammy Rangel, students workshopped their writings with Rangel and Prof. Andy Guess (Political Science and Media, Princeton University). Students and experts alike were impressed with the presentations and left wanting to do more in this space. At least two students are on their way to contribute peer-reviewed articles to the Article tool of this website.

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We thank our sponsors who made the event possible very much!


International Conference on Environmental and Social Justice, Fordham University, May 1-2, 2023


Interview about the Relevance of the Medievalist Toolkit to Subjects in Contemporary American Politics