Union College Students Presented their Research at Cornell University

“Jerome Anderson ’26, Adrian Ring ’24, Michael Rosenbaum ’23, and Ambrose Proctor ’25 presented their research on the intersection of modern extremism and the medieval world at a conference at Cornell University in late April. The conference was organized by the Medievalist Toolkit, a public history project co-founded by Sarina Kuersteiner, assistant professor of history, who accompanied the Union group. The students, who received undergraduate research grants from Union, developed their papers in HST 239 - Extremism & Medieval Worlds and will have the opportunity to publish on the Medievalist Toolkit website.” text source: https://www.union.edu/news/stories/202305/record-week-may-5-2023


International Conference on Environmental and Social Justice, Fordham University, May 1-2, 2023